The short of it: really really cool idea, however, I can see most home gym owners struggling to find the space to use these properly

What are these weird looking contraptions? Plate loaded farmers carry handles. These are a great tool if you like farmers carrys but don’t like having the dumbbells/kettlebells banging against your legs. The common uses for these are:
-Farmers carrys
-Grip strength training
-Can be used as mini axle bar (admittedly, a bit awkwardly)
Most often you’ll see these at CrossFit or strongman style lifting facilities
-Plate loaded so you can add as much or little weight as you need, using the same plates you already have for your other exercises
-Plate loaded meaning you can load it unevenly. For example, put 5 more pounds on the front or back and you’ll have to do more with your wrist and stabilizing muscles to balance the bar
-Long bar meaning the weights won’t bang against your legs
-Very wobbly when turning with them (some people may see this as a con)
-Awkward to use unless you’re in a larger area
-Very wobbly when turning with them (some people may see this as a pro)
-Large handle means it can be a bit awkward to store in your barbell holder
-Limited use case (does a few things very well)
So, what does JEV think of these? If you have a large space, are looking for some fun outdoor workout tools, or want to work on your grip strength, I think these are a phenomenal tool. That being said, with such a specific use case, I don’t see these being beneficial for a majority of my customers